Employee Documents
- 2 Min Step Test
- 5X Sit-To-Stand
- 6 Minute Walk Test
- 9 Hole Peg Test Information
- 30 sec Chair Stand Test
- ABC Scale
- AOTA Fall Assessments Spreadsheet 2013
- Apraxia Test
- Barthel 100
- Barthel Index- Shah version
- BCRS- Brief Cognitive Rating Scale
- Berg_Balance_Scale
- BEST-MiniBEST_revised_final_3_8_13
- BIMS with signature line
- BORG scaleOfPerceivedExertion
- Brief BESTest
- CCM Motorized wc eval
- Clock Drawing Scoring
- DGI- Dynamic Gait Index
- Elderly Mobility Scale
- FACES Pain Rating Scale
- FIST(Function in Sitting Test)_score_sheet
- FOIS scale
- Fluff Test Administration-Scoring
- Fullerton – exercise recommendations
- Fullerton Instructions
- Fullerton Score Sheet
- Functional_Reach_Test
- Gait Speed instructions
- Gait-Speed-norms
- GDS- Global Deterioration Scale
- Grip Strength Norms
- Home Falls Screening Tool
- Katz Index of Ind in ADL
- KUSBS- Standing and Sitting Scales
- Lawton IADL
- LEFS Interpretation
- LEFS-Lower Extremity Function Score
- LLIS Lymph Life Impact Scale
- Manual Muscle Testing Grading System
- Mini Mental State Examination
- Modified Ashworth Scale Instructions
- Modified CTSIB
- MS Aphasia Screening Test
- Painad
- Place mat test scoring
- Power Mobility Indoor Driving Assessment
- Range of Motion Chart
- Sahrmann Core Stability Test
- Senior Fitness Test & Norms
- Single Limb Step Test
- Sitting Balance Scale
- Sock test for sitting balance
- Spaced_Retrieval_Technique
- Stair Climbing Test
- Tinetti
- Toe Tap Test
- Trail Making
- TUG Manual Cog
- Yale Swallow Protocol